Our Mission Is To Share The Good News
Welcome to Salt and Light Today. You are most likely here because you received a tract or pamphlet referring you to this website. Our sole purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its importance. Whether you have been attending church your whole life or are new to the teachings of the Gospel, we aim to share how to ensure your place in eternity is in heaven.
The Gospel message is the message of truth and salvation through Jesus Christ. It is important to understand that the Gospel message does not align with prevailing political correctness, as it challenges the dominant secular humanist worldview. However, this should not deter anyone from exploring and accepting the teachings of Jesus Christ. The eternal consequences of one’s belief in Jesus Christ far outweigh any concerns about political correctness. The most pivotal decision you will ever face is how you perceive and what you do with Jesus.
As followers of Jesus, our mission is to be Salt and Light in the world and fulfill the Great Commission.
So, what does it mean to be Salt and Light, and how is the Great Commission fulfilled? The short answer is to fulfill the roles Jesus assigned to His followers, and to be His ambassadors by pleading the Gospel on His behalf. His love compels us to share the ‘Good News’ until everyone has heard.
What is the Good News? - Click on the “Good News Tab”.
Good News
The “Gospel” and “The Good News” are interchangeable terms; both refer to the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. In the context of Christianity, salvation refers to the act of being rescued or delivered by God from the penalty of sin and its consequences. However, before the Good News can be fully appreciated, the “Bad News” must be addressed. The Bad News is the reality of sin and its consequences. There are four key aspects to this reality:
First, man is separated from a holy, righteous God by sin. This separation is a result of humanity’s rebellion against God’s perfect will.
Second, God hates sin and is “angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11). God’s holiness and justice demand that sin be punished, and His wrath is a consequence of sin.
Third, death and judgment are inevitable (Hebrews 9:27). Every human being will face death and judgment, and the consequences of sin will be revealed.
Fourth, man is wholly incapable of doing anything about the situation. Humanity is powerless to rescue itself from the consequences of sin, and salvation only comes outside of human effort.
But, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that God has provided the way for man to be freed from the penalty of sin (Romans 6:23, John 14:6). (Acts 4:12) underscores that salvation is exclusively through Jesus.
Everyone dies physically, but those who believe in Jesus Christ are promised a physical resurrection unto eternal life in Heaven (John 11:23–26). Those who reject Christ will not only die physically but will undergo a “second death,” which the Bible describes as an eternal lake of fire (Revelation 20:13–14).
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news anyone will ever hear; what a person does with it determines where they spend eternity. God is calling you to choose life. Call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 10:13).
How is salvation accomplished? – Click on the “Salvation” tab.